martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

Hoy nació el padre de la teoría de la evolución

Happy Darwin Day! February 12th marks the anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth. In celebration, I managed to dig up some little known details about his life.
I spoke with David Quammen, author of "The Reluctant Mr. Darwin: An Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the Making of his Theory of Evolution" and his newest book, "Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic." He told me some of the things he discovered while researching for "The Reluctant Mr. Darwin."
Take this for example: the last book Darwin published was about earthworms, and he was obsessed with the question of why men have nipples.
To learn more about the father of evolution via natural selection, check out the video above and/or click on the link below. And leave your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Come on, talk nerdy to me!

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